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You Need the Holy Spirit to Understand the Word of God

Before you even open God's Holy Word, you should pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you His Word

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of March, the Powerzone Ministries' daily devotionals will focus on the HOLY SPIRIT, the third person of the Trinity. Jesus said "I will pray the Father, that He shall give you another Comforter, that He may abide with you forever;" What does it mean to be filled with the Holy Ghost? Stay connected to learn more.

Jesus said that "The Words that I speak they are Spirit and they are life." John 6:63.

Holy Spirit, March 4, 2023 By Dr. George Bing

Most of us when we first started reading the Bible; it was like a funny book to us. A lot of the Bible initially may not make any sense to you. You may read God's Word and it perhaps may even appear to be boring. Reading God's Holy Word and drifting. How can this possibly be? When we operate in the flesh, God's Word probably will be boring. Jesus said that "The Words that I speak they are Spirit and they are life." John 6:63.

You need the Holy Spirit to understand the Word of God, and you also need His power to teach it to you. That power has to be activated in us and that comes by utilizing what's been given to us. If you have a navigation system in your vehicle, and still choose to use your intellect, and don't know where you're going; that's not wise. If you want to cut down trees, use a chainsaw, and don't pull the chain; that's not wise either. If you have electricity in your home, and you continually lite a kerosene lamp to see when it's dark in your life; that's truly not wise. The reason is because you have access to a much greater power, but refuse to rely on it.

Before you even open God's Holy Word, you should pray and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you His Word. You have access to the greatest power on earth and the greatest teacher in the world! His Word will never be boring to you again. When you understand and apply it in your life; you'll live in abundance, praise God! "But the Comforter who is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father shall send in my name, He shall teach you all things." John 14:26. What are your thoughts?


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