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Why Honoring Grandparents is Important?

What does the bible say about honoring the elderly people in our lives?

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of October, the Powerzone Ministries daily devotionals will focus on the topic of #honor. What does it mean and how can you show honor to the people in your life? Stay connected to learn more.

“ The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.” Proverbs 16:31

Honor: October 11, 2022 By Dr. George Bing

How many people remember your grandparents and perhaps you may be blessed to still have them on this side now? I remember both of my grandmothers and my grand aunt who raised my mother. To me, there was special respect you had for them. The Bible says” Children’s children are a crown to the aged, and parents are the pride of their children.” Proverbs 17:6.

In other words, Grandparents are proud of their grandchildren. What a wonderful privilege to be given the opportunity to honor them. The Apostle Paul commended Lois the Grandmother of Timothy for her genuine faith that she apparently demonstrated before him and passed on to Timothy. Timothy became a Bishop in Ephesus and was a fine Spiritual leader under the Apostle Paul. You could easily approach your grandparents and were at liberty to ask them about life. Didn't they seem to know about everything, and have been there and done that?

The elder statesmen always have stories for us, and regardless of how hard you may have it, they had it harder. I wonder if they really walked twenty miles to school and then had to go to work after arriving back home? “They shall bring forth fruit in old age; They shall be fat and flourishing.” Psalms 92:14. And the fruit they bring forth is good and prosperous.

The Bible says that" the hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness." Proverbs 17:6.

Hoary is gray hair and it speaks about their experience in life. Regardless of the elderly not being in the way of righteousness,(Saved) we are instructed by God to honor them! How we honor them will be spoken about tomorrow the Lord's will. Yes, it says it twice as confirmation in the Bible. “The hoary head is a crown of glory, if it be found in the way of righteousness.” Proverbs 16:31. What are your thoughts?

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