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Wait With Expectation

Wait on the Lord and be of good courage

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of February, the Powerzone Ministries' daily devotionals will focus on the topic of #HOPE. The Bible says "hope deferred maketh the heart sick." What does that mean? The world oftentimes speaks of hope as wishful thinking, is this the same hope the bible teaches? Stay connected to learn more.

"Wait on the Lord and be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart!" Psalms 27:14

Hope February 8, 2023 By Dr. George Bing

Do you know what it means to wait on the Lord? Believe it or not, even unbelievers have to wait on God, but they don't even realize it. When a believer waits on God, we do it with expectation. That's why the Scripture says "Wait on the Lord and be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart!" Psalms 27:14. We are supposed to wait on Him with hope.

When you're driving on a long-distance trip, until you get within a certain radius of your destination, you won't see any signs indicating that you're near it. I have driven from Florida to New York many times and so I know the way. I know that once I get on 95 North, I'm going the right way. I may have to gas up and exit off to get some food, but I know to get back onto 95 North to get to New York.

I look at the signs as I approach the entry ramp after I have fueled up or stopped for a bite to eat. Once I'm back on 95 North, until I'm near the New Jersey turnpike, I won't see any signs indicating I'm on the right road to New York. It's so encouraging to see a sign saying New York 212 miles. You still have a good ways to go, but you now can envision yourself arriving soon. That's hope. The signs are in His Word and we must constantly meditate on it. Isn't our hope in His Word? Just like 95 North gets you to New York; His Word will get you to your destiny in life, and the closer you get, the more frequently you'll see signs that indicate you've almost arrived! Praise God! "I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in His Word do I hope." Psalms 130:5. What are your thoughts?


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