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To Tell The Truth!

The enemy is an imposter

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of April, the Powerzone Ministries' daily devotionals will focus on Spiritual Weapons. The enemy is looking to kill, steal and destroy us. Learn how to defeat the enemy with the weaponry God has given to all believers.

“Sanctify them through thy Truth, thy Word is Truth.” John 17:17

April 18, 2023 By Dr. George Bing

Years ago there was a show on television that I use to watch with my mom called “To Tell The Truth!” with Gene Rayburn and soon after Nipsey Russell was the host. I understand that the show is on today and the premise I assumed has not changed. The show would invite a guest with some notoriety and two other guests who would pretend to be that person. The show also had four celebrity panels who would ask the guests questions about the person who each of them would try to convince them that they were. The real person of notoriety would give honest answers about themselves, and the imposters would know about that person that quite often they would convince the panel and audience that they were the right one.

When it was time for the real person to reveal themselves to everyone; they would have all three sitting initially behind the curtain. The host would say “Will the real John Doe please stand up!” The imposters would even fake like they were going to stand up even until the very last moment before the real person would finally stand. The enemy is an imposter and will try to fool you until the very last moment that we live in this world. He and his minions can only imitate the real truth. Jesus Himself prayed to the Father in the High Priestly prayer asking the Father to “Sanctify them through thy Truth, thy Word is Truth.” This means to set his Disciples and Believers today apart for a divine purpose.

In layman’s terms let them live a life according to the Word of God so that they will stand out in the world because the Truth that’s in them; was Jesus' prayer! The devil (imposter) on that show could not stand up because he was an imposter. As a Believer in Jesus Christ, you are called upon to stand and to do so confirming the Truth of God’s Word by not compromising! When you stand on the Truth you do it with joy and the assurance of knowing that what you believe in and live by is the unerring Word of God. The Truth! Amen! “tand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth” Ephesians 6:14. What are your thoughts?


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