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The Temptation to Misjudge a Person

"Never judge a book by its cover."

For the entire month of August Powerzone ministries will be diving deep into the topic of temptation. What exactly is temptation? We'll be exploring what it means and what the Bible has to say about it all Month long!

The old adage is true: "Never judge a book by its cover."

August 7, 2023 By Dr. George Bing

Today's discussion will continue the topic of the temptation to misjudge a person by making assumptions without having all the facts. Yesterday, I recounted an incident that took place a few months ago at a local grocery store. It involved a young man who approached me while I was checking out, attempting to engage me in a conversation about an attractive lady who happened to be the cashier. His intentions, asking for her number, were inappropriate. However, it's important to consider that this young man had a visible disability, which I was well aware of. I knew about a past event that had unfortunately impacted him, and it still had a lasting effect on him today. As a result of that incident, his mind and judgment were impaired.

During this incident, as the young man suggested I ask for the cashier's number, she looked at me with a sheepish expression and remarked, "He's crazy, isn't he?" In response, I reassured her that he wasn't crazy but rather had impaired judgment due to his disability. I also disclosed that he was my cousin by marriage, emphasizing the familial connection. Despite the potentially awkward situation, I harbored no bitterness toward the cashier. It is our responsibility to protect and support those who cannot help themselves.

This story brings to mind an anecdote shared by Dr. Chuck Swindol, where he recounts preaching at a Christian camp meeting in California. A man approached him, expressing his excitement to be present and revealing that he had long anticipated hearing Dr. Swindol preach in person. This individual had traveled a considerable distance to attend the event and eagerly looked forward to experiencing one of his favorite preachers deliver the Word throughout the entire week, as Dr. Swindol was scheduled to be the keynote speaker. Tune in tomorrow as we conclude the subject of misjudging a person by assumption without having all of the facts. The old adage is true: "Never judge a book by its cover." King Solomon says, "He that answereth a matter before he heareth it, it is folly and shame unto him" (Proverbs 18:13). What are your thoughts?


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