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The Temptation to Lose Hope

Dedicated to my friend and Brother Officer Joe Mauro.

For the entire month of August Powerzone ministries will be diving deep into the topic of temptation. What exactly is temptation? We'll be exploring what it means and what the Bible has to say about it all Month long!

The Bible says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD" (Isaiah 55:8).

August 20, 2023 By Dr. George Bing

Today's Daily Devotional is dedicated to my friend and Brother Officer Joe Mauro. The subject of our discussion will be the temptation to lose hope when there appears to be no light at the end of the tunnel. Have you ever been in the midst of a trial period when it looked totally hopeless? You went to the people closest to you, and either they could not help you or simply did not care to. The only light that you saw at the end of the tunnel was an oncoming train. You believed that the Lord held the power to deliver you, but would He answer you this time?

I must add that in life, the Lord does not always answer us at the time we want or in the way we desire Him to. But always remember that He knows everything that we need and when we need it the most. He is also aware of things that we are not privy to, and sometimes what He does and allows simply does not make sense to us. The Bible says, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the LORD" (Isaiah 55:8).

In life, God will allow our paths to cross with some people for whom He broke the mold when making them. My dear friend Joe Mauro was a law enforcement officer in New York City, and in his later years, he became the president of our Patrolman's Benevolence Association. Some people accept positions for notoriety or simply to feel important. Nevertheless, only a small number of people naturally love people and are placed in positions that God ordained for them. Joe Mauro was one of those people, and to know Joe was to love him. Several times during crucial situations in my personal life, God used Joe to help and advise me, as well as many other officers, for years.

He cared about everyone he worked with, and if he could help you, he would. It was more than just a fraternity to him because that's what love does. He wouldn't allow me, and I'm sure others, to repay him for his kindness, and this is not about money. It's about the love of Christ. When it seemed like there was no deliverance coming, God used this Brother from another mother in Christ. Thank Jesus for Officer Joe Mauro, whom I will see in Heaven. "(for we walk by faith and not by sight)" II Corinthians 5:7. What are your thoughts?


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