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The Empowerment We Need is a Blessing From God!

I want to encourage someone today!

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of November, the Powerzone Ministries' daily devotionals will focus on the topic of #Blessed. What does it mean to be blessed and how do you obtain favor in your daily walk with Jesus? Stay connected to learn more.

The Bible says" Remember the Lord thy God for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth!" Deuteronomy 8:18

Blessed November 14, 2022 By Dr. George Bing

Most people don't know what they really want to do in life until they have already graduated, and beyond. Some people discover even during their adolescent years what they would like to have a career in. Then there are some adults who still haven't discovered where their success truly lies! Perhaps you might've begun a career in a field that really doesn't appeal to you. It might've never been appealing, but this is what you were advised to do. This is what the family does. Some parents live their dreams through their children since they did not achieve success in their own careers. Doesn't everyone deserve to pursue their own dreams as well?

I want to encourage someone today. No matter how old you are reach for the stars. If you have a gift in an area and you're frustrated because you're not doing it, go for it. There are people in their older years that have returned back to school pursued higher learning and earned a degree! At 49 years old my wife advised me that it would be good for me to return to school. I prayed about it and I was still reluctant to return, but by faith, I trusted God to help me through it. I did very well and had a 3.74 GPA which is magna cum laude. The key to it is that you can't leave God out of the equation.

Praying before choosing your classes and before every exam certainly helps. Some people are late bloomers and gain success in their latter years. God does not operate in time, but in eternity. The empowerment we need is a blessing from God that only He can give us. The Bible says" Remember the Lord thy God for it is He that giveth thee power to get wealth!" Deuteronomy 8:18. What are your thoughts?

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