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Honour the Lord With Thy Substance!

When we are not truthful in presenting ten percent to the Lord or refuse to tithe at all, we dishonor God.

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of June, the Powerzone Ministries' daily devotionals will focus on The Truth. You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. Does the truth set you free or make you free? Learn the difference by following and reading this month's devotionals.

Leviticus 27:30 states, "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord."

June 23, 2023 By Dr. George Bing

Yesterday, we delved into a somewhat contentious topic - tithing. Our discussion centered around the question of why the tithe is set at 10 percent of our increase. Interestingly, the number ten holds great significance in the Bible as it symbolizes the Authority of God. It represents completeness and divine order, making it a fitting choice for the percentage of our earnings that we give back to God.

Ten is based on the decimal numeral system and the first double-digit number. Our hands, which we use to count and carry, have ten fingers, making this number particularly valuable to us. Even in medical settings, when asked to rate our pain level, the highest number is always ten (If you’re like me when I had shingles it was off the chart, but technically the highest number is always ten). The Holy Bible consistently emphasizes the importance of the number ten. For example, there were ten virgins in the Bible when the Bride Groom (Jesus) returned to take them with Him. ”And five of them were wise, and five were foolish” Matthew 25:2.

The Hebrew word for tithe means tenth. The Lord requires us to present a tenth of our increase to Him. This principle is exemplified in the Bible when Abraham presented a tenth of the war spoils to King Melchizedek, the king of Salem. Tithing of the first fruit is a universal principle found throughout the Bible. Leviticus 27:30 states, "And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the Lord's: it is holy unto the Lord." The NIV version specifically mentions a tenth. When we are not truthful in presenting ten percent to the Lord or refuse to tithe at all, we dishonor God. King Solomon wisely advises us to "Honour the Lord with thy substance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:" in Proverbs 3:9. What are your thoughts?


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