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Expressing Gratitude to the Lord for Restoration

The Lord is a God who has performed miracles in both the Old and New Testaments.

In this special edition daily devotional, we invite you to embrace the spirit of Thanksgiving and cultivate a heart overflowing with gratitude towards the Lord.

The Apostle Paul addresses this issue in II Timothy 3:12, stating, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution."

November 27, 2023 By Dr. George Bing

In today's Daily Devotional, we will further explore the topic of expressing gratitude to the Lord for restoration. In the previous Daily Devotionals, we established that the Lord is a God who has performed miracles in both the Old and New Testaments. He has restored relationships and positions for individuals who were held captive or imprisoned by their enemies. The Apostle Paul serves as a prominent example of someone who was imprisoned, solely for fulfilling his calling of leading people to Jesus Christ.

The Apostle Paul, renowned as the greatest missionary in history, encountered numerous trials and traumatic experiences throughout his life. However, the Lord consistently restored him because these trials were endured for the sake of Christ. During a journey to Rome, Paul, and other prisoners were shipwrecked and found themselves on the island of Malta. Due to the cold weather, Paul gathered a bundle of sticks to start a fire. As he placed the sticks on the fire, a viper emerged from the heat and bit his hand, as described in Acts 28:3.

The people living on the island mistakenly assumed that Paul must have been a criminal, and they believed that the snake bite was a form of divine punishment or karma. Similarly, in present times, some individuals hold the belief that when something terrible happens in someone's life, it must be a result of their wrongdoing. This raises the question of why bad things happen to good people. Tomorrow, we will conclude our discussion, the Lord's will. The Apostle Paul addresses this issue in II Timothy 3:12, stating, "Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution." What are your thoughts?

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