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Deliverance May Not Always Come Immediately

Wait on the LORD and be of good courage!

This December, we're embarking on a special spiritual journey centered around the true reason for the season – our beloved Savior, Jesus Christ! Join us as we delve into daily devotionals dedicated to exploring the life, teachings, and profound love of Jesus.

The Bible says, "And he looked up and said, 'I see men as trees, walking.' After that, he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored and saw every man clearly" (Mark 8:25-26).

December 20, 2023, by Dr. George Bing

Wait on the LORD and be of good courage!

In today's Daily devotional, we will continue our discussion on the greatest name, Jesus Christ, and His power to heal. Yesterday, I drew your attention to the very first time recorded in the Bible when a man was healed of blindness. No Old Testament prophet had ever laid hands on a blind person and restored their eyesight. This is confirmation of many incidents recorded throughout scripture that only God Himself could perform.

His Son, Jesus Christ, performed this and many other miracles during His time on earth in the flesh as the God-Man. In yesterday's Daily devotional, a question was posed regarding why Jesus had to lay hands on the blind man twice. I began to explain that one of the reasons was to teach His disciples a spiritual truth.

He used miracles such as feeding large groups of people with minimal resources. In simpler terms, He performed the miracles of multiplying the two fish and five loaves to feed five thousand people, and the seven loaves to feed four thousand on a separate occasion. Initially, He did not reveal to them what they did not understand about those miracles.

The fact was that, at that present time, they only had one loaf to feed themselves. However, the Lord Himself, as He had done in the past, was able to provide food for them. He wanted them to piece together the puzzle with the clues He presented. Another reason I believe the Lord healed the blind man in stages was to teach His disciples and all believers a lesson about healing.

The Bible says, "And he looked up and said, 'I see men as trees, walking.' After that, he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored and saw every man clearly" (Mark 8:25-26). The lesson about healing, I believe, was to show His disciples and all believers that deliverance may not always come immediately. The Lord wants us to persevere in our faith and not lose heart as we continue praying about things.

The sweet psalmist and great king of Israel, David, says, "I had fainted unless I believed to see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait on the LORD and be of good courage, and He shall strengthen thine heart. Wait, I say, on the LORD." (Psalm 27:13-14). What are your thoughts?


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