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Christian Voters: What's Your Responsibility?

Today is election day! Before going to the polls, what should Christians know?

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of November, the Powerzone Ministries' daily devotionals will focus on the topic of #Blessed. What does it mean to be blessed and how do you obtain favor in your daily walk with Jesus? Stay connected to learn more.

“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy way acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.” Proverbs 3:5-6

Blessed November 8, 2022 By Dr. George Bing

Today is Election day. Every election in our Country is important and vital to the future events in Government that will unfold. We are blessed for the simple fact that most of us have been given the opportunity to vote. It's our Civil duty to let our voices be heard. You are blessed to be a citizen in a country that is a democracy! Blessed means to be empowered to prosper. If you refuse to exercise your constitutional right to vote; you are wasting the authority given to you by God.

Christians have the responsibility of voting for the candidate best equipped to bless our Country and the county cities, and the community that we reside in. Some people literally died so that minorities would be granted the privilege to cast their votes. We should never make any decisions in life; especially this critical without consulting God. The Bible says “Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not on thine own understanding. In all thy way acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path.” Proverbs 3:5-6.

I believe that character is a MAJOR issue in this and every election, but integrity is even more important. There have been integrity issues involved in this election and this has been an issue in nearly every past election as well. “Wherefore by their fruit, ye shall know them.” Matthew 7:20. People want change, but so did Israel and they chose Saul. The people in Genesis 11 built the Towel of Babel and were stronger together. The problem was that they too were doing it independently of God's direction. If you're blessed then you should vote for the candidates who are most stable, saavy, and who are the least likely to separate this Country with the policies they might introduce. "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." Psalms 33:12. God bless America! What are your thoughts?

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