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Are you Finding it Hard to Bless God? Are you On Empty?

God Will Fill You Up With the Power You Need to Reach Your Destiny!

    For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised: he also is to be feared above all gods. 1Chronicles 16:25

For the entire month of November, the Powerzone Ministries' daily devotionals will focus on the topic of #Blessed. What does it mean to be blessed and how do you obtain favor in your daily walk with Jesus? Stay connected to learn more.

“My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: The humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.” Psalms 34:2

Blessed November 20, 2022 By Dr. George Bing

I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall continually be in my mouth! Psalms 34:1. Blessed here in Psalms 34 means to speak highly of someone. In other words, we give God the glory regardless of the surrounding circumstances. That's the joy of having the right relationship with Jesus Christ. The joy comes from the inside! When your sports team has won a championship the happiness that you feel is immensely great. But what happens when they are losing? All of what you thought was endless joy does indeed end. That’s because happiness is contingent upon the present circumstances you are facing.

Even when things may not going well as you would like at present, the Believer knows that “Weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Psalms 30:5. That is what resides on the inside of the Believer! Your present situation may not look promising. It may appear to be dark, doubtful, and dismal! That's when faith should automatically become a part of the equation! Bless Him showing that you trust Him even then, because "We walk by faith and not by sight!" II Cor 5:7.

Some people don't bless God in times like this because they're on empty. Earlier this year I was in New Jersey and stopped at a full-service station and I literally forgot that I didn't have to get out of the vehicle. Once you arrive at the right Service Station, HE will fill you up with the power you need to reach your destiny. The Service Station I'm talking about is a Church Home! "Faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God." It easy to bless the Lord when you know that all things work together for good, to them that love God, to them that are the called according to His purpose! If you've answered the call, you'll bless him at all times. “My soul shall make her boast in the LORD: The humble shall hear thereof, and be glad.” Psalms 34:2. Praise the Lord! Hallelujah! What are your thoughts?

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